La Llorona, the Weeping Woman

La Llorona, the Weeping Woman

Come experience ‘La Llorona, The Weeping Woman’, a modern ghost story set in and around the grounds of Preston Manor and associate church. 

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Bram Stoker's Dracula

Sink your teeth into this immersive performance of Dracula from Brief Hiatus, which takes audiences on a tour of Preston Manor through dimly lit corridors and opulent dining halls… 

Preston Village Community Heritage Open Day

Preston Village Community Heritage Open Day

Preston Manor opens its doors and gardens for a pick-and-mix day showcasing the wider attractions of one of Brighton’s uniquely historic and picturesque city villages. 

Folklore, Magic and Mysteries: Modern Witchcraft and Folk Culture in Britain

Folklore, Magic and Mysteries: Modern Witchcraft and Folk Culture in Britain

An unique display of original artefacts, manuscripts and documents from the Doreen Valiente Collection. 

No Weddings but a Funeral!

No Weddings but a Funeral!

It is 1940 and you are cordially invited to the funeral of Sir Thomas Drew, Lord of Preston Manor.