Buy cheap tickets for Boozr
Good Grief

Good Grief

A Free Fringe double bill of stand-up with no particular theme, Irish comedians Keith Fox and Ger Staunton underwhelm with their unassuming stage presence and only mildly amusing h… 

The Exeter Revue: Sketchup

The Exeter Revue: Sketchup

Four students, a full house and a series of clever sketches make for a very enjoyable hour in The Exeter Revue: Sketchup. 

Aidan Goatley: Year of the Goat

Aidan Goatley: Year of the Goat

Aidan Goatley strikes me as an organised, practical and variably fearless fellow. 

Kate Smurthwaite: The Wrong Sort of Feminist

Kate Smurthwaite: The Wrong Sort of Feminist

Watching Kate Smurthwaite doing stand up is like watching a recording of a Tory Peer’s night terrors: not only is she funny, but when it comes to tearing apart injustice, she’s… 

Clare Plested: The Essential Collection

Clare Plested: The Essential Collection

Some of the best comic characters out there are likeable but misguided individuals, chronically lacking in self-awareness. 

The Exeter Revue: Sketchy At Best

The Exeter Revue: Sketchy At Best

The most common mistake of a university comedy troupe, I have found, is the attempt to be too clever. 

Short & Curly - Who Dunnit?

Short & Curly - Who Dunnit?

There’s been a murder at the after-show party! Hammed-up accents and paisley dressing gowns at the ready, Short and Curly take us back-stage after their wildly successful show in… 

Stackard Banks is Self-Discovered

Stackard Banks is Self-Discovered

An Amazonian tribe, a German arch-nemesis and The Bourne Ultimatum are just three of the things on the mind of world-renowned adventurer Stackard Banks, played with much gusto … 

The Evolution Will Be Televised

The Evolution Will Be Televised

Kate Smurthwaite brings a wonderful hour of comedy mixed with a lovely science lesson to the Free Fringe, and is on every day at 8:20pm until the 23rd August. 

11 Films to Happiness

11 Films to Happiness

Brighton-based Aidan Goatley returns to Edinburgh with a show based on the premise of his favourite “comfort food films”, taking in such blokey titles as The Avengers, The Magn… 

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Buy cheap tickets for Boozr
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