The gimmick for this showcase show is that it’s meant to be ‘Yorkshire’ comedy, whatever that may be. Since only the compere and the headliner seemed to be from Yorkshire it hardly made any difference; their jokes certainly weren’t distinguishable from any other comics, even when they were audible. Music act Slap and Giggle did a song about an easy target (Noel Edmonds) with blurred punch lines and sloppy rhymes. The singer, however, is rather cute and has a good voice and would be better employed singing elsewhere.
A competent set from Max Dickens (Londoner) had a good riff about using the new toilets on trains, and was pretty near the bone. I have no idea what Andy Keelerhan was doing, since the singer-songwriter was pretty much inaudible. The evening closed with Graham Lee, from Leeds, whose microphone technique was so poor that he was pretty much inaudible too in the cavernous acoustic.
I don’t know why anyone comes to this kind of show except to check out whether they might want to see a full-length set from someone. If that is the purpose, then you’d be better to go on word of mouth. I wouldn’t pay money for any of these, except possibly Max Dickens.