With one of the longest titles you’ll come across it feels as though this show will have a lot to unpack. But at its heart this is a very simple show, sweet and lovingly made, it's an exploration of one man going through a hard time and how he tries to handle that. The show is profoundly personal but by sharing an individual human experience it then becomes something we can all relate too. After all we are all human.
Josh’s likable persona and sincere interactions throughout made this a joyous experience
Through the show Josh takes his time slowly and lovingly attaching tissue paper plants to light bulbs around the room. As he does this he discusses how each one is like one of his friends. Visually it is beautiful when all the planets are lit up and the sentiment behind each of them being a friend also makes the image poignant. The solar system isn’t the only physics element in this show as multiverse theory is also discusses making the performance a true delight for anyone with an interest in physics. However the science is not too complicated and is explained well so even if you have no understanding of the concepts going on you will still be able to fully appreciate the show. You will also have learnt something by the time you leave which is an undoubted bonus.
Josh speaks to the audience as though they are already his close friends, the atmosphere is intimate and vulnerable. The moments where he directly engage with the audience are sweet, tender and perfectly executed. We become part of his solar system as the ways in which the universe can affect our lives is discussed, from the people around us to the choices we make. As well as being a genuinely touching piece of theatre it is also light-hearted. With a topic like this it could be easy for Running Dog Theatre to let the content become heavy but it is approached with a light-hearted attitude and an almost child-like energy. At the end of the show Josh invited the audience to come and dance with him. I have seen many shows where this is a moment that the performance flops and the atmosphere awkward. This is far from the case, Josh’s likable persona and sincere interactions throughout made this a joyous experience, much like the show itself. When was the last time you danced?