The Unicorn In Captivity delves into the intricacies of a falsely redemptive and exploitative relationship between M and F. The play revolves around M, whose perception of illness undergoes a seismic shift following his mothers death. Upon uncovering F's concealed chronic illness, M embarks on a perilous journey of obsessive exploration and control. Exploiting F's condition for personal gain, M manipulates her as both muse and exhibit in his artistic pursuits.The narrative unfolds as a poignant portrayal of coerced vulnerability amidst chronic illness, where individuals find themselves susceptible to the manipulation of wolves in sheeps clothing. Symbolically, it reflects the pervasive patriarchal influence within the medical industry. The play confronts issues ranging from the cyclical mistreatment of womens bodies to the societal taboos surrounding death and illness.In a concerted effort to raise awareness and foster understanding, we have partnered with Voices for Epilepsy and The National Brain Appeal. Together, we aim to empower our audience with resources and educational support, shedding light on epilepsy and a spectrum of neurological conditions.