No Fringe is complete without the inclusion of the Lady Boys, who return to their Edinburgh home – for what could be the last time – under the Sabai Pavilion on The Meadows for another season with their new production Hot Kisses.
If you’re looking for a fun and glitzy night out with the girls, and can overlook the ethics of what you’re seeing then you won’t go far wrong with the glamour of The Lady Boys of Bangkok.
Although the show itself never changes in style, the actual content does vary and this year the boys took on a mix from Dolly Parton through to Amy Winehouse plus a trawl through a slew of the latest pop hits. However no matter the content the Lady Boys deliver their performance with the usual flair of colour and style.
It’s the realisation that you’re actually watching performers who are physically “men” but thanks to hormone treatment are now gorgeous women with fabulous curves. It’s the same realisation which makes you ponder the ethics of the show; are the Lady Boys really enjoying themselves or just going through the motions to earn a living on stage?
The Lady Boys should have more respect for themselves as a cast than to lower the tone of the show more than likely at the director’s approval. What’s left is a good solid two hour cabaret of spectacular costumes and fast paced dance routines which pleases the massed hen parties, work nights out and the regular visitors who return year on year to watch a novelty production which sells itself hard. Maybe too hard as every avenue to prise money out of the audience is taken in the venue.
The Lady Boys are now a staple of the Fringe but they are under threat as was made clear several times during the performance; there are those seeking to protect the meadows from overuse and the Lady Boys are one company that might be refused permission to perform next year. Therefore there was much urging to sign a petition and – having a captive audience already in the Pavilion, telling us about once or twice would have been enough.
If you’re looking for a fun and glitzy night out with the girls, and can overlook the ethics of what you’re seeing then you won’t go far wrong with the glamour of The Lady Boys of Bangkok.