Now running for just over 17 years and seen by one million people, the Lady Boys are most certainly back in town and after all these years you would think it would be hard to keep its freshness and maybe, after a while seem quite tired, but I would say the opposite is the case. With a brand new show filled with exciting new routines, glamorous sequin drenched Lady Boys and a mixture of songs containing everything from a
Entertaining old and new punters and giving any audience member a truly memorable night out!
The show starts with an announcement stating that the show will be performed by an all-male cast of Thai nations and when you look at some of these beautiful performers, you think to yourself, how can that that possibly be a guy on stage? You see audience members looking around in amazement and the amount of work and effort these performers must put themselves through in order to stay in such great shape is truly astonishing.
Some things to look out for throughout the show include a nod to Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons with a very well put together Jersey Boys medley and a Coronation Street themed scene with the music of Victoria Wood which has the audience in hysterics.
The lack of live vocal performances throughout the show slightly annoyed me. I know it’s not really meant to be a singing focussed show and the musical covers they used were very good, but essentially all the performers were miming and some live singing, I feel would have added to the performance.
The show clearly knows its roots and loves being in Edinburgh and this is shown in, easily the highlight of the show, a truly Scottish finale featuring The Proclaimers, Loch Lomond, and tartan galore. It’s a perfect way to end the performance and has the audience, including myself, up on their feet singing and dancing along.
The Lady Boys are here to stay and after years performing to festival audiences, the cabaret extravaganza will definitely be back year on year, entertaining old and new punters and giving any audience member a truly memorable night out!