A unique two-woman retelling of F. Scott Fitzgeralds masterpiece, a new co-production from The Wardrobe Ensemble and The Wardrobe Theatre.Intricately inventive... It reels us in and distills the spirit of Fitzgeralds story in its own small, beautiful way (The Guardian)Captures the essence of the novel and its resonance (The Stage)Filled with wry inventiveness... The show evokes as much nostalgia for when we could be in rooms getting drunk with other people, as it does for the roaring twenties (Exeunt Magazine)Adapted within the grips of an international pandemic, 'The Great Gatsby' is a witty, creative new co-production from the people who brought you 'Education, Education, Education', 'The Last Of The Pelican Daughters', '1972: The Future of Sex', (The Wardrobe Ensemble) and 'Drac & Jill', 'Oedipuss In Boots', 'Rocky Shock Horror' (The Wardrobe Theatre).