The Emu War is a joke. At its core the Australian Ministry of Defence’s plan to manage a species with Lewis Guns and motorcars to protect Australian wheat supply is so absurd it has been mocked to death, life and death again. Lotte Pearl’s musical, whilst in concept risked sounding like so many other terrible memes about the war, is a truly hilarious absurd, heartfelt and brilliant take on a “war” memed to oblivion, staged and performed by an incredible cast and crew.
A conflict so absurd, and a musical so hilarious!
The story is rife for mockery, and the cast do it brilliantly. Tom Brace-Jenkins and Violet Morris as protagonists Steve and Greg play the confused Australian farmer perfectly, baffled by the actions of the increasingly insane Sir George Pierce, Minister for Defence (Lotte Pearl) and Major Merideth (Lili Mohammad). This all supported by the two excellent Emu’s and Ensemble Members Ellie Spooner and Spike Maxwell’s, who’s Emu’s are both hilarious and weirdly enchanting to watch.
This score that supports it is every bit as absurd, from an upbeat number on how the government can always help, to a villain song about how every Emu must be wiped from the face of this earth, to a romance between me and Emu (yes really). Each of these are a delight to hear, particularly when Mohammad and Pearl are signing with how truly absurd their characters get at times, alongside how incredible their vocals are. What is truly surprising however, is the heart this musical also contains, with Brace-Jenkins’ struggles with shellshock after Gallipoli and laments over his lost love William being incredibly moving, a truly brilliant take on a conflict which had veterans so at its heart, often boiled down to “ha ha funny big bird”.
There is so much more to say. This musical’s humour is ironclad, and is such an innovative way of talking about the Emu War with people much more at its heart than a funny timeline of beuareacratic screw ups. What is truly surprising though is how genuinely emotional the conflict is, making you feel for great war veteran, emu murderer and sock puppet all in different moments. Go see The Emu War, it is absolutely brilliant!