This show is loosely based on the story by Hans Christian Anderson. The action takes place in some unnamed European country, ruled by an Emperor. The Emperor and his Empress are both very vain and only interested in themselves and their clothes. The evil Prime Minister hatches a plot to make the Emperor go out in front of his people wearing a non-existent suit of clothes, thereby making himself such a figure of fun that he has to resign and hand over power to the Prime Minister.
The plot involves a lot of jumping in and out of a large wardrobe, which is really the only prop. The wardrobe doubles as a changing room, workroom, toilet and whatever else is needed. The cast themselves have to provide any other props, such as bending down to act as thrones. The most striking act of inventiveness is when the Prime Minister takes a bath. Two cast members make the bath, two the taps, one the shower and the last provides the rubber duck.
All very silly but great fun. The cast play it enthusiastically and completely over the top, which is just as it should be.