The Disney Delusion is an off-beat stand-up hour from Leif Oleson-Cormack about a less than magical trip to Disneyland, that explores identity, the nature of love and parasocial relationships, although these themes take a back seat to the anecdote.
Light, stream of conscious rambling
This show consists of an overarching narrative, rather than individual jokes and gags, as Oleson-Cormack centres the trip, and seems to use the hour to talk through it. Oleson-Cormack’s storytelling can be best described as light, stream of conscious rambling. His style is very much grounded in North American comedy, making the punchline part of the story, rather than follow a particular structure that British comedians use. Oleson-Cormack’s very honest and open about his experiences and emotions at that point in time, and delivers his mild jokes in a rather dry and mock-outraged manner. As an anecdote, it’s rather a rather insane night, but it’s less impactful as a stand-up hour rather than just a crazy story you tell as a way to get to know someone.
It’s an entertaining if slow-paced show, and over the course of which Oleson-Cormack makes some interesting points about searching for hidden meaning that isn’t there. It’s a light-hearted introduction to someone’s life and it will be interesting to see what Oleson-Cormack does next.