Spank is the perfect late night comedy show. Raucous, irreverent and containing gratuitous nudity - this is a night of inescapable fun.
Spank draws in some of the biggest names of the Fringe each night, with recent acts including Aisling O’Bea, Piff the Magic Dragon, Benny Boot, East End Cabaret. The range displays many types of comedy, and promises a different and exciting show each night. The night I saw it, we were hosted by Kate Smurthwaite and Marcel Lucont: two extremely different comedians that could cater to all tastes and respond to all kinds of (drunken) audience banter.
As it’s a late night show, they do a lot to keep the energy high, with various ways of involving the audience. For example the dancing on stage at the end, the yells of ‘We love it!’ and of course the naked promo: an opportunity for anyone who’s doing a show to get up and promote it for one minute. Completely nude. Tonight, there were unfortunately no audience volunteers, but amazingly our gracious host, Smurthwaite, stepped up to the challenge and did it herself. You really have no idea what you could be getting yourself into on a night like this.
There was a fantastic range of comedy: from improv to musical comedy to impressions and of course straight stand-up. The night was never dull - we really do love it.