Adrift in the vast expanse of the cosmos, a lone Astronaut travels abroad an enigmatic ship called SpaceEater in the company of otherwordly voyagers. They misteriously appeared on board, posessing an uncanny resemblance to humanity, their intentions unknown. But one thing is certain; they can't depart without the Astronaut. As their journey spirals deeper into the infinite abyss, so does their longing for home grows stronger. The further they venture from Earth, the more palpable tension builds and the line between order and chaos begins to blur. And the SpaceEater sails on the cosmos, devouring the universe. But what happens when there are no stars ahead, only darkness? What happens when they reach the edge?This narrative challanges our preception of reality and forces us to question our understanding of the universe and our place within it. Experience this unsettling journey and the relentless pursuit for the meaning of human existence, while prodding the boundaries of our knowledge in this cosmic odessey. The journey awaits.