As an Edinburgh based act performing in the Edinburgh Fringe there's always going to be a certain level of expectation from the local crowd. Usually there's a local following and occasionally even friends and family in the audience. For
They look like they are having a blast doing it
With a mixture of pop, soul and gospel these guys really lift the roof off the place. There are plenty of classics: Ain't No Mountain, This Little Light, Oh Happy Day, to name a few; but what's really fresh are some really new takes on the structure and arrangements of the rhythms and particularly the backing vocals. This helps to make songs we may have heard many times sound like something totally new and totally unique to this group.
Though some of the solos were perhaps a little dated, the younger members really balanced this out and showed some of the best vocals I've heard so far this Fringe. The sound balance was slightly off, with the sopranos coming across a little too strongly, which may be a technical issue more than anything else.
Despite these tiny criticisms these guys are achieving what many strive to do and are truly representing the soul of Scotland. And they look like they are having a blast doing it! Where do I sign up?