Compelling, captivating and representative of a cruel reality, SOLD is a devised piece of drama from the students of the Central School of Speech and Drama which raises awareness of the horrors of human trafficking. It is easy to overlook the acting as one becomes so immersed in the overwhelming subject matter, however, it must be said that these young actors are breathtaking and treat the topic with respect. SOLD is based on a series of real interviews over the last year with the likes of Anthony Steen who is the head of the Human Trafficking Foundation. The show snaps between these interviews and scenes of human trafficking. The shock factor is continuous throughout the performance without being over the top; it is simply informing the audience of the truth behind human trafficking. There are no extreme scenes of girls wearing next to nothing or stereotypes that emerge from the blissful state of ignorance that most people are in. Instead, I learnt seemingly obvious facts that I’d never really thought about before. For example, human trafficking isn’t just prostitution; it is also physical labour and domestic servitude which is, by definition, slavery. Similarly, it is happening not only between countries but also just within the UK. This production really set alarm bells off in my head and is hugely motivating in making me want to be part of something that stops this issue. As I write this review I feel more and more passionately about how horrendous human trafficking is. But like the actor playing Anthony Steen pointed out, human trafficking makes most people’s skin crawl. Yet, how many people actually do anything about it? I am a huge supporter of this cause and believe that the cast and creators of this production are doing a great duty in raising awareness as, unfortunately, it is often put at the bottom of the priority pile. I could harp on about this topic for hundreds of words but it is far more effective to go and watch SOLD. These performers are stunning. It feels bizarre stating how incredible the show is as its actual entertainment aspect is minimal but if you fancy a break from mediocre comedy this is the way to go. If, however, you are unlucky enough to miss the performance whilst at the Fringe I urge you to go on to to support this heartbreaking cause.