The new show from 'Leicester Square New Comedian of the Year 2021' Sam Nicoresti."Stylish, idiosyncratic... a vivid imagination" (Beyond The Joke)"Fizzing with ideas and great jokes" (Chortle)From the scary idiot who brought you such hits as Bedtime ("deranged" - and UFO ("Nicoresti is an auteur" - Fest) comes a new work about streams, ghosts and the algorithm. Sam Nicoresti is one half of comedy double-act Sam & Tom who were finalists in Sketch Off! 2018, and an originator and regular performer with cult comedy anti-competition The Glang Show (Joyful, wonderful fun - The Guardian).Cancel Anti Wokeflake Snow Culture is a multimedia, multicast comedy show set online and performed live in front of your very eyes (if everything doesn't go to pot and the whole Fringe gets cancelled, but that feels quite unlikely as I sit here writing this in late-January. [Fingers crossed and all that, obviously. Knock on wood, as they say]). It's very loosely about the soul. It's more specifically about HDMI cables and the culture wars.