Sibling duo Otto & Astrid have abandoned their punk roots in search of commercial success. This has brought them to their new album and tour
The show is upbeat and amusing but far from exceptional.
We see the band perform Euro-pop inspired songs and speak about their journey of how they got to where they are now. Of course, as with any brother and sister, there is plenty squabbling. Astrid is very firm and controlling, often despairing over free-spirited Otto as she eats her bag of crisps. He would like to take the band in a more artsy direction and promote veganism and ‘making good choices’, however Astrid does not understand this desire and just wants them to play some songs on their comically undersized instruments.
The show gets off to a strong start with their catchy pop tune Do you speak dance?. This is where we see the pair at their best, with amusing lyrics that are guaranteed to get stuck in your head along with a quirky dance routine. However, the initial optimism created does not fully last. Other songs do very little to add to the show, and occasionally it was difficult to make out what the lyrics were to ascertain much of the intended humour.
The strength in this production lies in the relationship between Otto and Astrid as they navigate how to put on this show together despite their differing personalities. They have a very familiar sibling relationship, and behind the bickering their love for each other is clear. Astrid is a comedy powerhouse when on the attack, her insults to her brother and her predatory relationship with audience members will have you in stitches. However, these moments are best shown during dialogue sections rather than the songs themselves. The show is upbeat and amusing but far from exceptional. It is worth a watch, providing a reliable good time. They also have a web series available on YouTube which is worth checking out.