Opera Shorts was created in late 2007 with the objective of creating a platform for young up-and-coming composers in Scotland. This programme stages the world premieres of four new operas. Each opera uses the same cast of three or four singers and the same small stage.
A Dinner To Remember looks at the difficulties faced by Cecile and her partner Edwin when his mother comes to dinner. Will the two women reconcile their differences or will they continue to fight, causing Edwin to have to choose between them?
Fragments considers the damage done to both parties when a relationship ends and the possibility of repairing the hurt years later.
The Call of Cthulhu is a three act opera based upon the short story by H. P. Lovecraft about a monster living on a strange island.
The Mirror and the Lantern is an exploration into how we deal with loss. Following the miscarriage of his first child a man is left alone to come to terms with his emotions.
Each opera manages to tell its story in a very short time and with a minimal cast. These performances show that opera does not necessarily require a huge stage and a massive cast and that it is possible to demonstrate a range of experiences and feelings in intimate surroundings. The orchestral playing is excellent throughout and the singing is also good.
Many people are wary of listening to new music and opera fans are often quite conservative musically. This short programme presents an ideal opportunity for anyone interested in opera or music to widen their horizons.