Monsters is set in Livingston in 2022, four years into a civil war taking place in Scotland. Stephen and his gang have been hiding out in a disused hall while up in the hills war is raging between the Monsters Militia and the British Government Army. Roxy, a sixteen year old, who has been fighting since she was twelve, escapes from the militia with a group of child soldiers and finds her way to where Stephens gang is hiding. Now the fighting is getting closer and the militia want their soldiers back.
Although set in a possible future, in a fictitious civil war, the events shown in the play are a reality today for many child soldiers around the world, who are forced to fight against their own wishes. The setting of the play in a more familiar environment, in Scotland rather than in Africa, is intended to make audiences really understand the meaning of the term child soldiers and is quite effective in doing this. However, although the play is very worthy and well-meaning, it is at times a little unclear, particularly towards the end.
The performances are quite varied, which is to be expected in such a young, inclusive cast who are still learning how to act. Some are very good while others are less so. Overall, worth seeing and educational, particularly for young people.