This play, written and directed by Kevin Holladay, makes broad fun of politicians, reporters, TV presenters and others. It begins with three girls finding a strange creature on a park bench. Is it a man or an animal? No, its Monkey Boy. A crowd gathers and reporters arrive to make sure that the American public knows the truth. Monkey Boy is taken into captivity.
A TV chat show run by Destiny Diamond has a guest named Terminal Tina, who has every disease known to mankind. Her last wish is to meet Monkey Boy, so he is released from captivity and brought on to the show, which leads to worldwide Monkey Boy mania.
Following the revelation that Monkey Boy was originally found in the French Alps, the French President, Marie Fromage, decides to claim ownership and extradite him. This upsets the American President, Sirius Beef, who plans to invade France to impose democracy there. Will Monkey Boy be able to prevent world war?
The play was enthusiastically received by the opening day audience and is good fun.