Fresh from a critically acclaimed and extended run at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 'Mohan, A Partition Story' returns to London. The show, written and performed by renowned storyteller and theatre-maker Niall Moorjani, follows the experiences of Niall's grandpa, Mohan, who lived through the Partitioning of India in 1947. Through storytelling and live music from Dibyo Mukherjee, the piece explores Partition in a fresh light to mark its 75th anniversary year. Niall Moorjani is at their brilliant best in depicting the absurdity of the politics that led to India's independence and Partitions' chaos, whilst giving over to their grandfathers memories to capture the emotional depth of a moment which is little spoken about in the UK today. Mohan has been described as "storytelling genius" by the Scotsman (5 Stars) and "sardonically witty and deeply heartfelt" in the Skinny. It received standing ovations and sell out performances at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.