A one-woman cabaret show presenting the life of Anita Boult, a jobbing musical actress trying to cope with life in New York city.
Miss Givings certainly gives her all.
Through the show we learn about Anita and the trials and trepidations of her world trying to get work as a singer. Interspersed with song and monologue, the show uplifts and enlightens.
Fears and doubts about her talent and whether or not to continue lead into well-chosen songs that range from classic musical theatre to classical music.
Whilst the show feels at times a little melancholic the underlying hope of Anita that one break will change everything shines through and is the cornerstone of many an artist.
Debbie Bridge has a remarkable singing talent, best suited to the operatic, strong, clear and precise. Her voice is incredible and beautifully moving to listen to. She acts the role of Anita with a tenderness and truthfulness for the life of a struggling artist, reminiscent of Lindsay Duncan.
Most comfortable with the singing, Bridge nonetheless carries the acting – at perhaps an octave lower than her vocal talents, but still passes muster for the overall effort that goes into the show. Perhaps she needs to just enjoy the part more and relish in her talents to boost a slight dip of poise in this side of the show.
Touching and thoroughly entertaining, the production was well thought out and portrayed, offering a glimpse of the inner workings behind the seeming glamour of life on stage. Miss Givings certainly gives her all.