Matt Green is alive. This state of affairs was not always guaranteed. Matt takes a critical look at those things which very nearly killed him and how this has influenced the person who he is today.
Throughout his show Green examines the nature of our mortality. He scrutinises the statistical data behind those things which have killed people in the UK, coming to the conclusion that those things that could kill us are around us all the time. How did we even make it to this gig in one piece? A sombre reflection that in time this audience shall dwindle in number as death claims us all still managed to be amusing, if a little bleak.
Green tells us of his encounters with illness, doctors, medical institutions. What sort of small talk should one engage in when a doctor is giving you an internal examination? What is it like inside an MRI machine? How does one deal with an insect attack while performing? Green reflects on how the attention his childhood illness brought him may have given him his drive to be on stage with a mic in the spotlight. Green turns teacher as we learn what triggers the biological fear of public speaking in most and why this does not take place for some people.
Green specialises in finding humour in the absurd and potentially challenging situations life throws at us. There is genuine personal reflection in Green’s material. I really do enjoy a show that is not only funny but deals with interesting questions. We laugh as Green comes to terms with the fact that his face flushes, in an industry which places such emphasis on showing no fear.
Matt Green delivers a very personable and pleasurable performance. This is a comedian who really knows what he is doing – get along for an hour of solid entertainment.