Whenever I feel down about the state of the world, I think of the shows in the Bunker at the Pleasance Courtyard, in particular Lulu Popplewell's show Actually, Actually.
If you’re not laughing, you’re learning
This show consists of a series of anecdotes told in varying and entertaining ways either with the help of through video – and occasionally – song. Actually, Actually is a vehicle to discuss the topics of addiction and rehabilitation; to try and bring people in as to what it can mean, as well as to dismantle the stigma around this and other mental illnesses and the sanitisation of their discussion. On top of that, Popplewell discusses her time in Love Actually as a lobster. As she says, if you’re not laughing, you’re learning.
Popplewell doesn’t pull any punches in her comedy or observations. An incredibly bubbly and systematic take down of a beloved British film that is incredibly satisfying that goes a step further to dismantling romantic comedy tropes and narratives. To do this, Popplewell uses callbacks to her own material and to give us that extra laugh, compares it to a moment in Love Actually, providing a modern and correct analysis of the film. She invites us to laugh with her about the nasty outrage that she has faced because of her comments, and there’s a fair degree of relief in this, after all who wouldn’t take a chance of laughing at those Letting Bigots Complain?
There's a kind of playful relationship that is established, in that Popplewelll goads us into listening to parts of the show, tapping into the human need to know more or gossip. And after hearing about her experience, the fact that she is able to openly talk and joke around with us shows a real sense of calm and a truly inspiring feat of strength. She subtley clues us into the occasional punchline, especially when in reference to Love Actually, because it’s so familiar that we have a good idea as to the point that Popplewell is trying to make.
Actually, Actually is a genuinely lovely show - actually - as Popplewell handles and opens up difficult subjects whilst finding the humour in the situation.