A cabaret full of birds falling in love with each other? Embrace the madness if you will, and your heart will certainly be warmed by Robert J. Sherman’s new musical
The stellar ensemble collectively heighten the flamboyance of the music and design.
In such a small space, Slade creates a West End standard of spectacle. Her attention to detail with the flamboyant costumes works well alongside Rob Mills’ lighting, bringing the story to new heights. Sherman’s melodic writing is incredibly catchy and never borders on being cheesy.
The stellar ensemble collectively heighten the flamboyance of the music and design. Particular performers that should be mentioned are firstly Greg Castiglioni as Baalthazar. Vocally, his dramatic vibrato and range is enticing to hear, adding to his impeccable comic timing. The barbershop quartet, humorously consisting of the penguins from Mary Poppins, exude charisma with their facial expressions. The choreography is kept concise throughout without becoming overstaged, yet the characterisation from the quartet adds to the flamboyance of the production very nicely.
The plot needs cleaning up so that it does not become too rushed, but with the hour time limit given to them it was never going to be easy. Sherman’s vaudevillian treat Love Birds will leave you pleasantly surprised, and I look forward to seeing development to what is already an exceptionally heartwarming musical.