Combining humour, performance poetry and visual moving imagery made up of my personal archive as an artist of nearly 25 years, SEE ME is a multi-media, immersive, (almost) autobiographic solo performance sharing my personal history of seeing and not seeing to confront the politics of seeing and underline how validating seeing can be but also the difficulty of not being seen. It presents a journey through different relationships (to my dad, teachers, school peers, work colleagues, to the gay community, alter ego, my partner, and spaces of queer imagination) I have experienced as a working-class gay British man interspersed with various references to the cultural context that (any)one can relate to George Michael, late-night TV, bad porn, fancying schoolteachers etc. As I perform, physical props in the space bring to life certain parts of the poetry, including cassette tape recorders, photocopies of a large scrapbook I made as a teenager and hand-drawn pencil drawings of a dog called Rufus.