Neo-classical electronic composer King Jamsheed brings together a year's work. Trapped aboard a ship as every port shut down, King Jamsheed produced their album Secret Winter in isolation from the imploding world. Then came freedom then more music.Three albums and twelve singles later they teamed up with Collaborative Records to create a solo piano album Luna Moth (Actias Luna), a study of the emotional data we share with moths. Synth, organic sampling, piano & brooding vocals join in a moving and contemporary exploration of life. Plus new music from their upcoming collab album And The Mountains Shake Their Shoulders.This is the first public performance of King Jamsheed's melodic neo-classical solo work and is set to be a wild ride though a soaring imagination.Divine piano playing (The Stage) "Soundscapes to fly on" (Other Side)Supported by the Irene Mensah Fringe Award