This is a brand new show from Jay Sodagar. During lockdown when the most important part of his life was taken away from him, stand-up comedy!!! He found a new passion for the art form. This is a show that demonstrates how funny and imaginative Jay is and how he will never take stand-up comedy for granted ever again. Lockdown was a depressing time for everyone, and when a passionate stand-up finds a new love for the best art form in the world. Things just "have to be said" Because you never know what might happen. The show is silly and real and clever and passionate and life-affirming and edgy and everything a switched on, passionate comedian who loves this art form would want to put into a crafted solo show.Things have to be said as you may not get the chance to ever say them. A very depressing time during modern history lead to people dying and being closed off to what we took for granted, before the pandemic. Conspiracy theories, relationships, and everything he thought.