Acclaimed Irish comedian Tadhg Hickey, "outstanding physical and comedic performer" (The Scotsman), brings you his weird and wonderful part theatre, part stand-up comedy show, In One Eye, Out the Other.IOEOTO tells the story of Feargal, the downtrodden but cheery man who fulfilled his lifelong dream of becoming an alcoholic. Using the Catholic calendar as a roadmap, Feargal leads us on a surreal and hilarious journey with many poignant twists in the hope of arriving at a sort of light at the end of the tunnel for the 'bright man. "I started writing the show when I was still drinking, maybe trying to find the funny side of slowly drinking myself to death. Sober now for years, not in my wildest dreams did I imagine the drunken scribblings would one day make it to an international audience and possibly help someone else who might be struggling with alcoholism". (Tadhg Hickey)