Idle Women is a musical based on the lives of women who worked on canal boats in World War Two. The Busy Lizzies Theatre Company have devised a fun, heart warming, and informative piece of work which touches on the challenges, successes and joys of these women seeking adventure and a change from their lives away from the cut. The work begins with an exploration of the womens lives and relationships " with elements both deeply moving and comic. The second half introduces a surprising element which rocks at the core of the lives the women have built. Engaging, funny and emotional songs thread through the action.The dialogue zings with humour and clever observation, revealing character traits through conversation in well-pitched performances from all the actors. Songs drive the narrative and range across musical styles, backed on ukulele, guitar, tin whistle, bodhrn and more. Lisa Wolfe (Fringe Review)This show is musical theatre at its best. A brilliant and well adapted set, a brilliant story and songs which transcends the stage. Written by the excellent cast and accompanying musicians, it manages to embody the collective spirit of female emancipation with every emotion it is possible to convey in one show. Andrew Melrose & Kairen Kemp (Brighton and Hove News)