Australian award-winning comedienne and author of the successful Australian television art doco
This show is unbelievably good. A truly original and utterly delightful hour of beautifully clever comedy. Gadsby sets the standard for others to follow.
Gadsby turns her trained art-historian’s eye to our visual legacies. We explore the portraits of the rich and dead from centuries hence. We examine what the artists’ self-portrait might reveal about their impressions of themselves. We take a hilarious journey through the trends and fashions of self-representation through the ages until we reach the modern phenomena of the ‘selfie’. What makes a good selfie? What makes a tragically awful selfie? What do we reveal when we create those images of ourselves, and is it what we intended?
Gadsby’s eagle eye is able to extract the most hilarious inconsistencies and logical failures out of images the rest of us might scan and miss. The show is both unfalteringly hilarious, but also contains bitter sweet moments of reflection. One can’t help but walk away with a renewed appreciation for portraiture.
This show is not only about the art focusing on others. Gadsby is a master of self-deprecation and holding up to the light those vulnerable parts of her life that the rest of us would do our best to bury. In this show Hannah combines the style of her annual Art Lecture series through examination and analysis of the image, with her more direct stand-up, which usually focuses on exploration of herself. It’s a pleasing fusion.
The mistress of anti-climax and overlord of understatement; the furiously clever Hannah Gadsby is always a pleasure to spend an hour with. You’ll not be disappointed with this visual journey to the self.
This show is unbelievably good. A truly original and utterly delightful hour of beautifully clever comedy. Gadsby sets the standard for others to follow.