Over the course of 30 years, the lives of Kayleen and Doug intersect at the most bizarre intervals, leading the two childhood friends to compare scars and the physical calamities that keep drawing them together. This wildly funny dark comedy, by the talented American playwright Rajiv Joseph, provides a humorous look at human vulnerability. An accident-prone dare devil and a corrosive masochist navigate friendship, love and all that lies between. The company of this performance is comprised of university theatre students pursuing degrees in theatre performance and production. They are led by our faculty but are challenged to uphold the professional standards of the theatre industry with their membership in the company. Students must audition and interview to be selected for this company and represent the very best of USC Upstate Theatre. About the company
The Theatre Program at USC Upstate strives to create an environment that
nurtures dynamic, collaborative, and inspiring theatre arts with the goal of
cultivating the whole theatre artist and human being. With an inclusive
curriculum, funded international opportunities, and various productions we
foster a diverse student body and faculty that supports one another as they
navigate the process of creating theatre from a novice to an advanced
professional level at graduation. With a well-rounded curriculum, students
are given many opportunities for practical application of classroom
learning.With a variety mainstage and student directed productions USC
provide ample opportunities to work in all aspects of theatre including
production, performance, and front of house.
USC strive to model consent-based training in all aspects of the theatrical
process and production which creates a supportive place to make brave choices
from which one can learn equally from success and failure.
Photographer credit: Del DeLorm, Assistant Professor of Theatre USC