Evelyn Evelyn are two musically talented yet utterly quirky conjoined twins hailing from Walla Walla, Washington. The two girls are played by Amanda Palmer and (bearded) Jason Webley playing a plethora of instruments using just their two arms between them. The evening takes the guise of a freak-show exhibition compered by suitably shady Thomas Truax as he ushers the twins onstage and quells their perennial attempts to flee the due to bouts of nervousness. The show is a telling of the girls' unconventional upbringing through songs, shadow puppetry and a bizarre experiment testing the power of their superior minds.The twins are delightfully awkward, shuffling about onstage, unsure of where to look, terrified by the prospect of being paraded in front of uproarious crowds. This awkwardness is torn asunder once they begin to play their music together. As Palmer and Webley are both accomplished musicians, the songs are the highlight of the show. Providing their own accompaniment, each twin manipulates half of an instrument, whether it be keyboard, guitar, accordion or a particularly troublesome ukulele. Playing a mix of covers and original songs, their musical talent shines as they brim with confidence of their ability (though how much of the performance is the twins and how much Palmer and Webley's we are never certain). The show can sometimes feel a little self-indulgent and is definitely tongue-in-cheek. The performance is not polished and a few lyrical slips and instances of corpsing make this clear but Palmer and Webley have such a magnetic stage presence, you can forgive them for all their misdemeanours.This bizarre gem of a show is probably quite unlike anything you've ever seen before or will see again. The creativity of the piece is to be applauded, although it could do with a tidy up around the edges. Unique and entertaining, this show is a treat for anyone looking for something a little bit different.