Max Diggins is an affable 25 year old urban-based comic who has a 40 something penfriend called Ray who lives in the Isle of White. What do these two men have to say to each other?
A series of unlikely circumstances connect the two and from across the generation gap Ray and Max begin to connect on some of the universalities of human existence. Ray counsels Max on his uncertainty about career choices and Max encourages Ray to take the leap when love’s fleeting chance appears in his life. The two have the advantage of distance from each other’s worlds so as to be able to give advice unhindered by the direct impact of consequence.
Diggins packs a tremendous amount of philosophical ponderings amongst his musings on love, lust, daring and self-improvement. He tells us of failed romantic adventures, braver times of confronting muggers, and why love is like a book shop. We begin to get a feel that Diggins is an old soul, troubled by the calculated world of internet dating, Facebook and plastic surgery. His impulse to maintain the ye olde genre of letter writing with Ray starts to come into focus as the show goes on.
In his spare time Diggins has even knocked up some erotic fiction, aimed to capture a more realistic and attainable stereotype of male role models. This was a highlight of the show. Higgins carved some pleasing parallels between comedy, love and ballooning examining the very nature of happiness.
This is a well-crafted and thoughtful show. Diggins has formulated an enjoyable narrative that flows relatively well, though at times it felt a little like he pandered a bit to a late-ish night Free Fringe crowd and it damaged the sincerity of other aspects of his story a little.
This show totes a truckload of whimsy, some tawdry tales, introspection and a hint of cheekiness. Not a bad addition to your Fringe adventure.