Film and comedy lovers alike will appreciate this increasingly popular show, led by an impressive group of comedians that changes every performance, along with the film they choose to recreate. Powered by an enthusiastic audience and a large amount of alcohol, the hype surrounding the Comedian’s Cinema Club seems well earned.
this group manage to do a marvellous job of enhancing (and sometimes ruining) your favourite films without taking themselves too seriously
The show I attended consisted of a film quiz hosted by Laura Lexx, followed by the re-enactment of Disney classic Beauty and the Beast. Audience participation was welcomed, even becoming a quiz team in the first half, then getting up and playing an illusive ‘pleasure’ machine invented by a hilarious, yet disturbing in places, Maurice, complete with an overdone French accent.
Other beloved childhood characters were made somewhat darker and funnier by the whole cast, personal favorites including Amy Howerska as Philippe the horse and Wardrobe, whose facial expressions alone lead to side-splitting laughter, Joz Norris as LeFou, Gaston’s once innocently dorky sidekick whose implicit creepiness is brought to attention a lot more here and Lexx’s Lumiere, whose costume involved candles taped to her hands and head, all of which were lit at one point in the show, her timing and quick wit making her an absolute scene stealer.
Knowledge of the film certainly varied between the cast, but the plot was never completely lost thanks to Director Matthew Heighton, who managed to prevent the show from overrunning whilst keeping the actors on track and presenting ‘Have a Shot’ - a new, extremely popular version of Be Our Guest.
Conversations during the quiz half ranged from favorite Bond actors to Adult Muppet films, sparking many jokes between the actors and the audience. The part where the teams had to create a trailer from audience suggestions was especially appreciated, the team showing off their improv skills.
Best moments are too many to list, which is why everyone should see Comedian’s Cinema Club in action. Improvisation is not easy to do well but this group manage to do a marvellous job of enhancing (and sometimes ruining) your favourite films without taking themselves too seriously.