A comedy that tells the story of Charlotte Bront's romance with Arthur Bell Nicholls. Charlotte has refused Arthur many times, as she thinks he looks like an ox and is only a curate. She is a well-known and brilliant author and Jane Eyre is the best book ever written. Her aim in life is to give a comfortable life to her beloved Dada. She is cruel and unkind to Arthur when he proposes and he decides he has had enough and is thinking of going to Australia. The family servant, Tabby, suggests to Anne that it would be a good thing to persuade Charlotte to marry Arthur. Beloved Dada is nearly blind and Arthur does all the work in the Parish. If beloved Dada is unable to carry on he will be replaced and they will lose the house. Charlotte agrees to marry Arthur and he refuses as she has been unkind to him. Tabby steps in and eventually Charlotte is able to say "Reader, I married him".