Self-proclaimed “Champion of Comedy” Rob Mulholland tells all in this hilarious stand-up show. He is unflinchingly real and open with the audience, talking on relationships, suicide attempts, and the taste of his own “jizz.”
Mulholland gives the audience a light, funny perspective on occasionally dark material.
While his stories on his past relationships generally have positive morals and lessons to be learned – even the break-up he affectionately refers to as “girlfrexit” –others are much darker and more shocking. The coexistence of drugs and depression is a running theme, and it would be impossible to tell the story of suicide attempt in a funnier way. Hint: it starts with a stubbed toe and ends with a giant bin of gay porn magazines. He is a great storyteller and maintains the audience’s attention even when talking on more serious issues- despite their seriousness, he can always manage to turn a bad experience into a joke, inviting the audience to laugh at his stories and himself.
He references George Michael’s 1,2,3 a few times throughout the show. What started as the “our song” of him and an ex, Mulholland says he doesn’t mind that the breakup ruined the song for him because it was so bad to begin with. It did, however, inspire him to find the three keys to the universe, or at least the three things that saved his life: drugs, spunk, and hardcore gay porn.
From his “failure heartbreaks” to hilarious impressions, Mulholland gives the audience a light, funny perspective on occasionally dark material.