Join the invincible superhero Captain Cauliflower on an unforgettable adventure filled with extreme silliness and unquestionable danger. He adventures into outer space and deep under the ocean, saving those in peril, but can he beat his arch-nemesis, the evil and odorous Onion Man? Joyous physical comedy for little ones and their grown-ups."A riotous clowning comedy for little ones that makes adults giggle as much as children. Captain cauliflower and Marvin the Mischievous Moose" (Fest) "A slick, fast-paced show for young children and families with lots of fun and giggles which certainly in our house are still being enjoyed days later. Brilliantly done. Go and see it while it is on. I cannot recommend it highly enough!" (Child Friendly Brighton)"Captain Cauliflower delivers an action-packed hour of physical comedy.. brilliantly imaginative" (Primary Times) Winner Adelaide Fringe Weekly Award 2019