BriTANick is an American sketch comedy duo made up of Brian McElhaney and Nick Koche, and they quickly assure us that their name (a combination of ‘Brian’, ‘Nick’ and ‘Titanic’) means absolutely nothing.
This is the Beyoncé: Formation Tour of sketch comedy
Within the course of one hour we get an absolutely world-class Fringe performance. Performing in what is basically a box on the edge of George Square, Brian and Nick have crafted a seamless production which somehow combines a sharp and witty script with the energy and chaos of an improvised show. Every moment is perfectly primed to get the biggest laugh possible. This is the Beyoncé: Formation Tour’of sketch comedy.
We’re given a prankster ghost who impersonates dead relatives, a slam poetry night that gets derailed by a disappointing customer service experience, both sides of a romantic airport chase, and many more scenes that I won’t mention in case I ruin the surprise. Regular callbacks to previous sketches make the whole audience feel in on some kind of private joke, despite having only been here for 20 minutes. Through it all we get little interludes of personal information about the performers and their reactions to various life events, culminating in the greatest plot twist the world has ever known (at least in the context of this show).
This is SNL if they had more time to rehearse, this is Foil, Arms & Hogg if they were American, this is five stars worth of material that deserves its own TV series. So far their smaller venue has sold out, but you still have time to book a seat at the extra performance on Sunday, August 21st! Don’t walk, run to see these comedic legends before they head back across the Atlantic.