Do you suffer from allergies, anaemia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, fatigue, hypo-/hyper-glycemia, emphysema, COPD, digestive disorders, headaches, high/low blood pressure, insomnia and other sleep disorder, irritability, kidney disease, lack of concentration, low mood, migraine, panting, prone to colds and flu, rhinitis, shortness of breath, stress, varicose veins, weight gain/loss or other chronic disorder?Find out how Prof. K. P. Buteyko discovered a drug-free approach to reverse these and more than 200 chronic diseases by training the breathing in accordance with optimal physiological norms. This approach, known as the Classical Buteyko Method, is introduced by the team of Buteyko Practitioners. They will explain how it can help you to reverse chronic diseases and improve health. You are welcome to send any questions to [email protected]