The title of this show refers to the three core acts, Gary Sansome (all Scots like haggis, right?), Irishman Andrew Gilmore (the booze, of course), and Israeli standup Daphna Baram (she seems more than comfortable with the explosive association). Plus there’s a guest comic on the night, this time in the form of the irrepressible George Firehorse.
A good night of free comedy, and good night’s work from the acts.
After some able compère duties performed by Gilmore, first up is Baram. She gets straight into it, covering her understanding of conflicts in the Middle-East, before giving her take on what it’s like to be facing an upcoming UK citizenship test. Her stuff is well thought-out and you get the sense that the performance would be enhanced by her having a full run at it rather than a ten minute opening slot (which she does in her show Something to Declare). But, all in all, a decent start.
Next is Scot, Gary Sansome, an Airdrie native recently returned from Australia. He opens with that old comedy staple, rational examination of pop music lyrics, before going on to share a few anecdotes about his time Down Under. It’s decent material, if a little predictable in places. However, he ends with his strongest stuff, offering us a chance to appreciate the meaning behind swear words like never before.
The old showbiz saying goes that you should save your best for last – someone definitely had that in mind when the running order the show was set out. Last up is Firehorse, a massive, moustachioed, close-up magician. The acts on before are good but this guy is in a league of his own. It’s simple, almost infantile humour, but that kind of thing you cannot help but find hilarious, whatever your comedic tastes. On his own, with his mix of magic, buffoonery, and re-invigorated stock gags, this guy is five-star. (I’ve had a look but don’t see that he has a show of his own on this year, though I hope to be proved wrong on that.)
A good night of free comedy, and good night’s work from the acts – relatively unknown comics trying their hand at making a few strangers laugh in a room behind a pub.