This is a play about Hal, who climbs without ropes. We never actually meet Hal but we learn all about him from his father-in-law, his son, his friends and fellow climbers.
The play opens in Siberia, where a group of climbers, including Hal, are about to start climbing a mountain. During this climb a tragic event occurs which is to affect the life of Hal and all around him. Following this, we meet Hals father-in-law, who is strongly opposed to Hals rock climbing, his son, who doesnt live with Hal, and various other friends and acquaintances. Even though we never hear Hal speak, we learn all about him and what motivates him. In particular, we discover that hes obsessed with climbing and only ever feels alive when hes climbing without ropes.
All the parts are played by Thom Disney, who performs each one extremely well. His voice and personality changes to fit each character and each is totally believable. Through these people we learn all about Hal and by the end of the play feel that we fully understand him. There is no real scenery, other than a small climbing wall, where the play begins and ends. The few props are carefully arranged around the edge of the stage where they are picked up, moved around and replaced as required.
The play is an exploration of obsession and how it can dominate and perhaps ruin somebodys life. Even though logic tells Hal to give up climbing, which he does for a while, he is unable to stay away for good. In the end he is prepared to risk everything just for the feeling of being alive. A gripping production.