We come up with a title, they turn it into a one-hour musical — this is the promise the cast of Baby Wants Candy makes every time they get on stage and, boy, do they deliver. You know it’s a memorable Fringe show when one of the improv actors says “Sorry about all the pig sex” as you’re walking out the door.
The chemistry of the performers is a real highlight of the show
The creativity, talent and humour of the ensemble is matched only by their on-stage band, who have an enormous amount of power (and with it, great responsibility) over the direction of the show. On this night, with liberal use of the Jurassic Park theme song, they both aided and abetted the performers in crafting a re-imagining of the original movie, now called Jurassic Pork. With subtle musical cues, the band can force anyone on stage to turn their current dialogue into a musical solo, and they really enjoy doing so.
The chemistry of the performers is a real highlight of the show. They are so comfortable with each other, picking up on subtle signals — and sometimes intentionally ignoring them to great comical effect — while also adding their own spin to the narrative. They all give 100% and consistently match each other’s energy. It is especially fun to watch one actor force another to perform a monologue or song when they feel they’ve had too long of a break from the spotlight.
They’re a staple in Edinburgh every August for a reason, and we’re always glad to see them come back! Bring your colleagues, bring your friends, bring your parents, but maybe don’t bring your children if you don’t want them to learn some stuff at an earlier age than expected.