Embark on a delightful journey with a timid Romanian lad as he stumbles into a vortex of awkward situations. Dive into the captivating coming-of-age tale of a bashful young boy, whose endearing quirks give rise to an array of amusing situations at every turn. Imagine a Disney film infused with risqu humor, or Monty Python reimagined through an Eastern European lens. This engaging, story-driven spectacle boasts a treasure trove of clever one-liners, side-splitting stories, and innovative acts featuring physical comedy, enchanting puppetry, and a plethora of delightful surprises."Unique perspective"(The Wee Review)"Mihai Tartara, a stand-up comedian and self-proclaimed subpar software developer, hails from a small Romanian city bearing an uncanny resemblance to 'Chernobyl,' complete with its own nuclear plant. Mihai began his comedic journey in the enigmatic corners of Europe (Denmark) before finding his home in Berlin, where he can be found performing virtually every night and orchestrating his own shows. Mihai's comedic flair features a blend of autobiographical tales and playful absurdity, expertly weaving together a tapestry of raunchy humor and engaging storytelling