This is the coming-of-age story of a shy boy who wherever it goes, it creates an awkward situation. This is like a Disney movie but with sexual references, it is like Monty Python made in Eastern Europe. This is a narrative-driven show that includes hundreds of one-liners, hilarious stories and alternative moments such as physical comedy, puppet shows and many other surprises."Unique perspective"(The Wee Review)Mihai Tartara is a stand-up comedian and a bad software developer originally from a small city in Romania, whose name is very similar to "Chernobyl" and it also has a nuclear plant. He started stand-up in the dark side of Europe (Denmark) but now resides in Berlin where he can be seen performing almost every night as well as running his own shows. Mihai''s comedy is autobiographical and silly, his style is a contrasting mix of absurd humour and dirty jokes with a strong emphasis on storytelling.