Affectionate musical comedy on the worlds longest-serving monarch, now sadly bereft of her consort of 73 years. As told by Carole Shaw, the shows creator and star performer, this is the story of a thoroughly modern, fully empowered female role model. She is a woman heading up a country, after all. This powerful, colourful lady head-of-state finally reveals her all to her people - her undying love for her dogs, the men in her life, her single-handed success at forging peace processes, her secret passion for motorbikes, coming out at 96 as a song-&-dance gal. You are regally commanded to join the singing, dancing Queen for tea, free cake & biscuits and a riotous ride into hitherto unseen aspects of her life. This Old Grey Mare definitely ain't what you thought she was! With audience participation, SingalongaLiz and quiz. Don't miss the UKs answer to Mrs Maisel! Handbag the regal older ladys 'Fleabag'! A solid, warm performance with delightfully silly moments (The Reviews Hub)