Alex Williamson is definitely not to everyone’s taste. However, with over 25 million YouTube views, he is by no means unpopular. Brace yourselves for very strong language and crude, brash jokes – he definitely doesn’t shy away from taboo subjects. From songs about being sexually assaulted by Nintendo characters to jokes about Josef Fritzl, the Australian YouTube star isn’t afraid to put himself out there. Whilst some may say that he teeters on the edge of being tasteless, others might applaud his apparent desire to explore outrageous topics that most comedians would steer well away from. He certainly divided the crowd.
This multimedia show revolves around stories of his drug fuelled antics and his desire to relax our attitudes towards offensive language. He uses photos, songs and short video clips to prove how ‘hard’ he is and seems to pride himself in his couldn’t-care-less attitude as he jokes about selling drugs to twelve year old kids, applauding scantily dressed 15 year old girls and booty-calling every girl in his contacts. He is certainly one of the ‘lads’.
His tactics seem to be to shock the audience into laughter and unfortunately, this resulted in some groans of disbelief. His constant emphasis on the amount of drugs he takes meant that his jokes became repetitive and tedious. He knows what his target audience likes and he sticks to it, resulting in a somewhat uninventive performance. Though his crass humour will appeal to some, his misogynist attitude and offensive remarks is not everyone’s cup of tea.
No doubt his extreme subject matter will offend some, but his outlandish humour will certainly appeal to a certain type of person. He holds nothing back - you have got to hand it to him, the man is brave.