'"Stoic" is the new stand-up comedy show in 2022 from Alex Farrow. Alex is the host of the award-winning Jericho Comedy in Oxford, as recommended by the Telegraph, the i Paper, Chortle and The Sunday Times. His philosophy themed solo stand-up shows have sold out at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2019 and 2021. As heard on BBC Radio 4 extra. Praise for Alex's 2021 show:"Practically perfect", The Scotsman Featured in The Times as part of A bloke Calle Daves Best Jokes of the Fringe 2021 An hour of laugh-out-loud, cerebral silliness Edinburgh Guide"Packs a Philosophical punch" The Edinburgh Student "Alex Farrow is perhaps one of the most critically acclaimed comedians at the Fringe this year." - Conde Naste Traveller