Rob Broderick, the titular Abandoman, comes out firing all cylinders in this flat out, hour long, improv-fest. The audience had only just gotten seated when Abandoman flew out from behind the curtain and granted the members of the front row with a new persona, each more hilarious than the last. From there on in we were hooked.
Abandoman as a character is a likeable scamp. The audience completely invest in it and mandate him to tear individual members’ egos or personal lives to shreds, much to the amusement of the rest of the room. The basic form of the show is that Broderick will craft his life story using the characters he imposes on people in the opening 5 minutes. Everything is wittily tied together leaving no plot line hanging. What is most amazing about the performance is that a rhyme is never dropped. For the whole hour we were enthralled by a comedic mastermind at work.
There is no doubt that Broderick is a talented MC. Using the vast resources of his comedy brain, he scours over each member of the audience leaving no stone unturned. Most impressive however, was a rendition of Eminem's 'Stan' where the audience's personal possessions become part of the fun.
The show never drops in pace or energy and the premise stays impossibly fresh. If you like audience participation and are interested in watching a comedic rhyming dictionary wax lyrical for a full hour, head on over to the Pleasance Queen Dome.