Wolfgang Weinberger introduces his show as a lecture and perhaps that should have been the hint that this would be about as informative and as funny as secondary school sex-education classes. By this I mean girls giggle on one side of the room and boys snigger on the other, but neither group leaves satisfied.
Supposedly Austrias number one comedy show, this is little more than a brief and obvious romp through various unsurprising statistics, interspersed with moments of cringe-worthy audience participation. This does not mean its not funny, its just not original and it wont change your (sex) life.
Weinberger begins by separating the sexes so that he can periodically cross-check his statistics by getting us to hum agreement or disagreement with statements such as My satisfaction is more important than his. While it is perhaps worth going to this show simply to sit in the back and see what makes the prudish women and stiff-lipped men youve seen earlier on the Mile hum like appliances, this cross-checking formula soon becomes tedious.
At one point, Weinberger gives each member of his audience pen and paper and asks them to anonymously write any question they have about sex. This is when the show could get interesting, but instead of answering those niggling curiosities weve been too embarrassed to ask elsewhere and putting us at ease like Mrs Martin did in Year 5 when some brave girl finally asked what balls were, Weinberger flicks through our questions only in order to make cheap jokes about individuals insecurities.
I highly doubt anyone will learn much from this show and the chuckles that can be garnered from it might just as easily be acquired by sharing a bottle of wine with your partner and asking them to their face how often they masturbate.